Monday, 18 October 2010

SharE ExperiencE in Ocean Park Halloween Blash 2010♥

Ocean Park logo
Since this year is the 10th Anniversary of Ocean Park's Halloween Blash, there are many many unexpected excitement in Ocean Park. Halloween is a very very special event in the Hong Kong Theme Park.

After my experience in enjoying the Ocean Park Halloween Blash 2010, I strongly recommend some of the themed Haunted Houses.

Pang Brothers' child Eye logo
 No. 1 Pang Brothers' child Eye (彭氏兄弟之童眼)
It is a extremely scary Haunted Houses as those acted ghosts are similar in the real situation. You can feel horrible and everyone who go in this haunted house, screamed loundly after visiting. I strongly recommend you to go for it.

P.S. Don't go inside alone unless you are brave enough.

No. 2 Burned Alive (一人火葬場)  
Burned Alive Haunnted House's logo
This is a fresh experience to play the haunted house alone. It is not allow to play more than one people. People, who play in this haunted house, lay on coffin, and something unexpected will be happened. I do not tell you more, go and experience yourself.

P.S. One thing I really dislike which is this haunted house is shortly played to each visitor (only 1 mins). However, it still be worth to TRY!

The most important is which,
There are some recommended routes in helping to fully play all 8 themed Haunted House.

Recommendation from "HKdiscuss Id: DollyJas"

Suggested route 1:
1. Zomble Hunt (Before line up at 19:00) >
2. Ocean Express >
3. Burned Alive >
4. Museum of Horrers >
5. Fang Club >
6. Ocean Express >
7. Black Magic Academy >
8. Haunted Tales of Guangdong >
9. Pang Brothers' child Eye (Before line up at 23:30) >
10. Terror Park (Before line up at 00:00)

Suggested route 2:
1. Burned Alive >
2. Museum of Horrers >
3. Fang Club >
4. Ocean Express >
5. Zomble Hunt >
6. Haunted Tales of Guangdong >
7. Pang Brothers' child Eye (Before line up at 23:30) > 
8. Terror Park (Before line up at 00:00)

Information Source:
Photo Source: myself

P.S. Video Sharing♥ Short video of Ocean Park Halloween Blash's SuperFans


Hope you Enjoy my sharing and go for enjoying theme park in Hong Kong - Ocean Park!
By Winnie Leung

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