Monday, 15 November 2010

"Leisure" Theme Park in Hong Kong - The Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens(HKZBG) Part 4


Last Last time, I have mentioned the wild animals in HKZBG Theme Park.

How about the Plants???
Now, I will show you the wonderful plants in this Hong Kong Theme Park - HKZBG♥
This blog can make your convenience in visiting the Green House as you can choose your favourite plants to watch as I will show you below.

In HKZBG, there are over 1,000 speices of plants in the Garden. Most of them are indigenous to tropical and sub-tropical regions.

Green House
Location: Eastern boundary houses in the Garden
Targret Point: Over 150 native and exotic species including orchids, ferns, bromeliads, climbers and house plants etc.

Map in Green House
Plant 1: Scented PlantsScented Plants
Plant 2: Carnivorous Plants Carnivorous Plants
Plant 3: BromeliadsBromeliads
Plant 4: ClimbersClimbers
Plant 5: FermsFerns
Plant 6: OrchidsOrchids
Plant 7: Variations of FlowersVariations of Flowers

Further Information: OR Click on the above photos to LINKkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!
In HKZBG Green House, many different types of plants are included, it is a great time for you to learn a lesson about nature. In my experience, I enjoy to go to Green House to see different colorful plants. It can make me feel happy. Therefore, if you feel unhappy at this moment, go to see something GREEN can make you refresh♥

P.S. To make you HAPPY,,    Video TIME♥


Enjoy it♥Winnie Leung

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